
DM Veteraner


Last update: 2024-05-29 07:54
16th finals
Lidingö Vikings HC +35 - Älta IF +355 - 4 (Lidingö Vikings HC +35 promoted to next round) 16th final 2 (16F2)
Vallentuna Hockey +35 - IFK Tumba IK +3512 - 0 (Vallentuna Hockey +35 promoted to next round) 16th final 10 (16F10)
Österåker Mariners +35-2 - Järna SK WildHogs +355 - 6 (Järna SK WildHogs +35 promoted to next round) 16th final 16 (16F16)
Eighth finals
Lidingö Vikings HC +35 - Sollentuna HC +350 - 11 (Sollentuna HC +35 promoted to next round) Eighth final 1 (8F1)
Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +35 - Trångsunds IF +355 - 1 (Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +35 promoted to next round) Eighth final 2 (8F2)
Vallentuna Hockey +35 - Gnesta IK +355 - 0 (Vallentuna Hockey +35 promoted to next round) Eighth final 3 (8F3)
IFK Täby HC +35 - AIK +355 - 0 (IFK Täby HC +35 promoted to next round) Eighth final 4 (8F4)
Bålsta HC +35 - Österåker Mariners +35-12 - 8 (Österåker Mariners +35-1 promoted to next round) Eighth final 5 (8F5)
Solna SK +35 - SDE HF +35-12 - 6 (SDE HF +35-1 promoted to next round) Eighth final 6 (8F6)
Haninge Anchors HC +35 - IFK Mariefred +353 - 4 (IFK Mariefred +35 promoted to next round) Eighth final 7 (8F7)
Järna SK WildHogs +35 - Järfälla HC +35-11 - 4 (Järfälla HC +35-1 promoted to next round) Eighth final 8 (8F8)
Sollentuna HC +35 - Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +355 - 3
Quarterfinal 1 (QF1)
Vallentuna Hockey +35 - IFK Täby HC +3516 - 1
Quarterfinal 2 (QF2)
Österåker Mariners +35-1 - SDE HF +35-15 - 0
Quarterfinal 3 (QF3)
IFK Mariefred +35 - Järfälla HC +35-12 - 8
Quarterfinal 4 (QF4)
Sollentuna HC +35 - Vallentuna Hockey +355 - 2
Semifinal 1 (SF1)
Österåker Mariners +35-1 - Järfälla HC +35-13 - 4
Semifinal 2 (SF2)
Sollentuna HC +35 - Järfälla HC +35-10 - 3

Schedule and Results

16th finals
16th final 2 (16F2) Lidingö Vikings HC +35 promoted to next round
Lidingö Vikings HC +35 - Älta IF +35 1 - 0  
2023-11-08Exakt Annex
Lidingö Vikings HC +35 -  Älta IF +355 - 4 (2 - 2, 1 - 1, 2 - 1) 5 - 4193
16th final 10 (16F10) Vallentuna Hockey +35 promoted to next round
Vallentuna Hockey +35 - IFK Tumba IK +35 1 - 0  
2023-11-07Vallentuna Ishall
Vallentuna Hockey +35 -  IFK Tumba IK +3512 - 0 (6 - 0, 6 - 0) 12 - 02
16th final 16 (16F16) Järna SK WildHogs +35 promoted to next round
Österåker Mariners +35-2 - Järna SK WildHogs +35 0 - 1  
2023-11-06Österåker Sportcentrum
Österåker Mariners +35-2 -  Järna SK WildHogs +355 - 65 - 6
Eighth finals
Eighth final 1 (8F1) Sollentuna HC +35 promoted to next round
Lidingö Vikings HC +35 - Sollentuna HC +35 0 - 1  
2024-01-24Exakt Annex
Lidingö Vikings HC +35 -  Sollentuna HC +350 - 11 (0 - 5, 0 - 6) 0 - 1193
Eighth final 2 (8F2) Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +35 promoted to next round
Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +35 - Trångsunds IF +35 1 - 0  
Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +35 -  Trångsunds IF +355 - 1 (3 - 1, 2 - 0) 5 - 13
Eighth final 3 (8F3) Vallentuna Hockey +35 promoted to next round
Vallentuna Hockey +35 - Gnesta IK +35 1 - 0  
2024-01-14Vallentuna Ishall
Vallentuna Hockey +35 -  Gnesta IK +355 - 05 - 0
Eighth final 4 (8F4) IFK Täby HC +35 promoted to next round
IFK Täby HC +35 - AIK +35 1 - 0  
2024-02-01Tibble Ishall
IFK Täby HC +35 -  AIK +355 - 05 - 0
Eighth final 5 (8F5) Österåker Mariners +35-1 promoted to next round
Bålsta HC +35 - Österåker Mariners +35-1 0 - 1  
2024-01-29Bålsta Ishall
Bålsta HC +35 -  Österåker Mariners +35-12 - 8 (0 - 4, 2 - 4) 2 - 8
Eighth final 6 (8F6) SDE HF +35-1 promoted to next round
Solna SK +35 - SDE HF +35-1 0 - 1  
2024-01-14Ulriksdals IP Hall 2
Solna SK +35 -  SDE HF +35-12 - 62 - 6
Eighth final 7 (8F7) IFK Mariefred +35 promoted to next round
Haninge Anchors HC +35 - IFK Mariefred +35 0 - 1  
2024-01-30Haribo hallen
Haninge Anchors HC +35 -  IFK Mariefred +353 - 4 (1 - 2, 2 - 2) 3 - 4
Eighth final 8 (8F8) Järfälla HC +35-1 promoted to next round
Järna SK WildHogs +35 - Järfälla HC +35-1 0 - 1  
2024-01-14Järna Ishall
Järna SK WildHogs +35 -  Järfälla HC +35-11 - 4 (0 - 0, 1 - 4) 1 - 45
Quarterfinal 1 (QF1) Sollentuna HC +35 promoted to next round
Sollentuna HC +35 - Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +35 1 - 0  
2024-02-14SVEAB Annex
Sollentuna HC +35 -  Tyresö/Hanvikens SK +355 - 3 (3 - 1, 2 - 2) 5 - 33
Quarterfinal 2 (QF2) Vallentuna Hockey +35 promoted to next round
Vallentuna Hockey +35 - IFK Täby HC +35 1 - 0  
2024-03-10Vallentuna Ishall
Vallentuna Hockey +35 -  IFK Täby HC +3516 - 1 (8 - 1, 8 - 0) 16 - 19
Quarterfinal 3 (QF3) Österåker Mariners +35-1 promoted to next round
Österåker Mariners +35-1 - SDE HF +35-1 1 - 0  
2024-03-19Österåker Sportcentrum
Österåker Mariners +35-1 -  SDE HF +35-15 - 05 - 0
Quarterfinal 4 (QF4) Järfälla HC +35-1 promoted to next round
IFK Mariefred +35 - Järfälla HC +35-1 0 - 1  
2024-03-04Åkers Ishall
IFK Mariefred +35 -  Järfälla HC +35-12 - 8 (1 - 2, 1 - 6) 2 - 87
Semifinal 1 (SF1) Sollentuna HC +35 promoted to next round
Sollentuna HC +35 - Vallentuna Hockey +35 1 - 0  
2024-04-16SVEAB Annex
Sollentuna HC +35 -  Vallentuna Hockey +355 - 25 - 215
Semifinal 2 (SF2) Järfälla HC +35-1 promoted to next round
Österåker Mariners +35-1 - Järfälla HC +35-1 0 - 1  
2024-04-14Järfälla Ishall
Österåker Mariners +35-1 -  Järfälla HC +35-13 - 43 - 4
Sollentuna HC +35 - Järfälla HC +35-1 0 - 1  
2024-05-07Järfälla Ishall
Sollentuna HC +35 -  Järfälla HC +35-10 - 3 (0 - 3, 0 - 0) 0 - 3

Swehockey – Svenska Ishockeyförbundets officiella app

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