
HockeyTrean Värmland

Leading Goalies (Juniors) by Goal Against Average

Leading Goalies (Juniors) by Goal Against Average

Last update: 2023-02-06 10:53
Rk No NameTeam GP GPI MIP SOG GA GAA SVS SVS% SO W L W% Birthdate
134Adolfsson, GustafCHA8131:462311.892295.65010100,002004-12-22
21Wikström, JohanSUN85301:58114152.989986.8414180,002003-04-07
330Sjögren, AlbinSÄF107422:28328334.6929589.9402528,572004-07-01
415Björklund, LinusVHC94219:41146184.9212887.6701325,002004-03-07
599Nilsson, AlbinVHC4120:001426.001285.71000N/A2003-04-09
631Legnar, RasmusFIL55280:56180326.8314882.2201420,002003-11-24
799Wigforss, ArvidVHC2160:003777.003081.080010,002004-09-19
81M Svanlind, TheoFIL8365:46561210.954478.570010,002007-05-19
Sorted by lower Goal Against Average per 60 minutes and higher Saves%
Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies
- Charlottenbergs HC
- Filipstads IF
- Kristinehamns HT
- Sunne IK
- Säffle HC
- Viking HC

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