
HockeyTvåan Norra A, Region Norr

Junior Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2020-11-18 21:26
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM Birthdate
120Kohkoinen, TobiasÖVTLW413422004-01-22
270Eriksson, AxelÖVELW612342003-12-01
326Kulju Svarvare, HugoÖVTRW403322003-02-14
427Jonsson-Edfast, CarlBRORW220202002-02-08
599Hamid, FarizÖVERD202202002-03-22
646Huppunen, ElisÖVTLD210102001-03-01
711Hietala, HugoÖVTRW310102004-06-18
Sorted by higher Total Points, Goals, Assists, lower Games Played and Penalty In Minutes.

Junior Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2020-11-18 21:26
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM Birthdate
127Jonsson-Edfast, CarlBRORW220202002-02-08
246Huppunen, ElisÖVTLD210102001-03-01
311Hietala, HugoÖVTRW310102004-06-18
420Kohkoinen, TobiasÖVTLW413422004-01-22
570Eriksson, AxelÖVELW612342003-12-01
Sorted by higher Goals, and lower Games Played.

Junior Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2020-11-18 21:26
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM Birthdate
120Kohkoinen, TobiasÖVTLW413422004-01-22
26Kulju Svarvare, HugoÖVTRW403322003-02-14
399Hamid, FarizÖVERD202202002-03-22
470Eriksson, AxelÖVELW612342003-12-01
Sorted by higher Assists and lower Games Played.
- Brooklyn Tigers HF
- Kiruna City HF
- Malmbergets AIF
- Rosvik IK
- StiL Hockey
- Sunderby SK
- Överkalix IF
- Övertorneå HF

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