
U15 Slutspel Stockholm Hockey Cup, Stockholms Ishockeyförbund


Last update: 2015-03-14 16:44
Qualification Round
Järfälla HC 2 - Järna SK2 - 0 (Järfälla HC 2 promoted to next round) Kvalomgång 1: 1
16th finals
Tyresö Hanviken Hockey - Almtuna IS1 - 5 (Almtuna IS promoted to next round) 16th final 1 (16F1)
Trångsunds IF - Järfälla HC 21 - 5 (Järfälla HC 2 promoted to next round) 16th final 3 (16F3)
Järfälla HC 1 - IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey 2 - 13 (IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey promoted to next round) 16th final 5 (16F5)
GötaTraneberg IK - Åker/Strängnäs HC0 - 1 (Åker/Strängnäs HC promoted to next round) 16th final 7 (16F7)
Spånga IS IK - Norrtälje IK0 - 1 (Norrtälje IK promoted to next round) 16th final 9 (16F9)
Haninge Anchors HC - Boo HC 8 - 1 (Haninge Anchors HC promoted to next round) 16th final 11 (16F11)
Wings HC Arlanda - Nyköpings HF Ungdom3 - 1 (Wings HC Arlanda promoted to next round) 16th final 13 (16F13)
IFK Österåker Vikings HC - Solna SK 0 - 1 (Solna SK promoted to next round) 16th final 15 (16F15)
Eighth finals
AIK IF - Almtuna IS3 - 2 (AIK IF promoted to next round) Eighth final 1 (8F1)
SDE HF - Järfälla HC 23 - 2 (SDE HF promoted to next round) Eighth final 2 (8F2)
Nacka HK - IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey 3 - 4 (IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey promoted to next round) Eighth final 3 (8F3)
IFK Täby HC - Åker/Strängnäs HC15 - 3 (IFK Täby HC promoted to next round) Eighth final 4 (8F4)
Djurgårdens IF - Norrtälje IK4 - 1 (Djurgårdens IF promoted to next round) Eighth final 5 (8F5)
Tullinge TP HC - Haninge Anchors HC 1 - 4 (Haninge Anchors HC promoted to next round) Eighth final 6 (8F6)
Södertälje SK - Wings HC Arlanda4 - 3 (Södertälje SK promoted to next round) Eighth final 7 (8F7)
Huddinge IK - Solna SK 9 - 1 (Huddinge IK promoted to next round) Eighth final 8 (8F8)
AIK IF - SDE HF5 - 1
Quarterfinal 1 (QF1)
IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey - IFK Täby HC 0 - 2
Quarterfinal 2 (QF2)
Djurgårdens IF - Haninge Anchors HC 2 - 3
Quarterfinal 3 (QF3)
Södertälje SK - Huddinge IK3 - 2
Quarterfinal 4 (QF4)
AIK IF - IFK Täby HC 0 - 2
Semifinal 1 (SF1)
Haninge Anchors HC - Södertälje SK 0 - 3
Semifinal 2 (SF2)
IFK Täby HC - Södertälje SK 6 - 2

Schedule and Results

Qualification Round
Kvalomgång 1: 1Järfälla HC 2 promoted to next round
Järfälla HC 2 - Järna SK 1 - 0  
2015-02-13Järfälla Ishall
Järfälla HC 2 -  Järna SK2 - 0 (1-0, 1-0) 2 - 054
16th finals
16th final 1 (16F1) Almtuna IS promoted to next round
Tyresö Hanviken Hockey - Almtuna IS 0 - 1  
Tyresö Hanviken Hockey  -  Almtuna IS1 - 5 (1-2, 0-3) 1 - 557
16th final 3 (16F3) Järfälla HC 2 promoted to next round
Trångsunds IF - Järfälla HC 2 0 - 1  
Trångsunds IF  -  Järfälla HC 21 - 5 (1-2, 0-3) 1 - 557
16th final 5 (16F5) IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey promoted to next round
Järfälla HC 1 - IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey 0 - 1  
2015-02-15Järfälla Ishall
Järfälla HC 1 -  IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey 2 - 13 (0-8, 2-5) 2 - 1356
16th final 7 (16F7) Åker/Strängnäs HC promoted to next round
GötaTraneberg IK - Åker/Strängnäs HC 0 - 1  
2015-02-13JM hallen Stora Mossen
GötaTraneberg IK -  Åker/Strängnäs HC0 - 1 (0-0, 0-1) 0 - 159
16th final 9 (16F9) Norrtälje IK promoted to next round
Spånga IS IK - Norrtälje IK 0 - 1  
Spånga IS IK -  Norrtälje IK0 - 1 (0-1, 0-0) 0 - 147
16th final 11 (16F11) Haninge Anchors HC promoted to next round
Haninge Anchors HC - Boo HC 1 - 0  
2015-02-15Torvalla Ishall
Boo HC  - Haninge Anchors HC 8 - 1 (6-1, 2-0) 8 - 176
16th final 13 (16F13) Wings HC Arlanda promoted to next round
Wings HC Arlanda - Nyköpings HF Ungdom 1 - 0  
Wings HC Arlanda -  Nyköpings HF Ungdom3 - 1 (2-0, 1-1) 3 - 148
16th final 15 (16F15) Solna SK promoted to next round
IFK Österåker Vikings HC - Solna SK 0 - 1  
2015-02-07Österåker Sportcentrum
IFK Österåker Vikings HC -  Solna SK 0 - 1 (0-1, 0-0) 0 - 1
Eighth finals
Eighth final 1 (8F1) AIK IF promoted to next round
AIK IF - Almtuna IS 1 - 0  
2015-02-18Ulriksdals IP Hall 1
AIK IF  -  Almtuna IS3 - 2 (0-1, 2-1, 0-0, 1-0) 3 - 268
Eighth final 2 (8F2) SDE HF promoted to next round
SDE HF - Järfälla HC 2 1 - 0  
SDE HF -  Järfälla HC 23 - 2 (1-1, 2-1) 3 - 269
Eighth final 3 (8F3) IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey promoted to next round
Nacka HK - IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey 0 - 1  
2015-02-16Nacka Ishall
Nacka HK -  IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey 3 - 4 (3-2, 0-2) 3 - 444
Eighth final 4 (8F4) IFK Täby HC promoted to next round
IFK Täby HC - Åker/Strängnäs HC 1 - 0  
2015-03-01Tibble Ishall
IFK Täby HC  -  Åker/Strängnäs HC15 - 3 (8-0, 7-3) 15 - 368
Eighth final 5 (8F5) Djurgårdens IF promoted to next round
Djurgårdens IF - Norrtälje IK 1 - 0  
2015-02-18Mälarhöjdens Ishall
Djurgårdens IF  -  Norrtälje IK4 - 1 (3-0, 1-1) 4 - 1
Eighth final 6 (8F6) Haninge Anchors HC promoted to next round
Tullinge TP HC - Haninge Anchors HC 0 - 1  
2015-03-02Fastighetsbyråns ishall
Tullinge TP HC  -  Haninge Anchors HC 1 - 4 (0-4, 1-0) 1 - 497
Eighth final 7 (8F7) Södertälje SK promoted to next round
Södertälje SK - Wings HC Arlanda 1 - 0  
2015-02-19AXA Sports Center
Södertälje SK  -  Wings HC Arlanda4 - 3 (2-2, 1-1, 1-0) 4 - 3
Eighth final 8 (8F8) Huddinge IK promoted to next round
Huddinge IK - Solna SK 1 - 0  
Huddinge IK -  Solna SK 9 - 1 (3-0, 6-1) 9 - 134
Quarterfinal 1 (QF1) AIK IF promoted to next round
AIK IF - SDE HF 1 - 0  
2015-03-08Ulriksdals IP Hall 1
AIK IF  -  SDE HF5 - 1 (1-0, 4-1) 5 - 144
Quarterfinal 2 (QF2) IFK Täby HC promoted to next round
IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey - IFK Täby HC 0 - 1  
2015-03-07Vallentuna Ishall
IF Vallentuna BK Ishockey  -  IFK Täby HC 0 - 2 (0-0, 0-2) 0 - 2
Quarterfinal 3 (QF3) Haninge Anchors HC promoted to next round
Djurgårdens IF - Haninge Anchors HC 0 - 1  
2015-03-07Mälarhöjdens Ishall
Djurgårdens IF  -  Haninge Anchors HC 2 - 3 (0-1, 2-2) 2 - 380
Quarterfinal 4 (QF4) Södertälje SK promoted to next round
Södertälje SK - Huddinge IK 1 - 0  
2015-03-07AXA Sports Center
Södertälje SK  -  Huddinge IK3 - 2 (1-1, 1-1, 0-0, 1-0) 3 - 260
Semifinal 1 (SF1) IFK Täby HC promoted to next round
AIK IF - IFK Täby HC 0 - 1  
AIK IF  -  IFK Täby HC 0 - 2 (0-2, 0-0) 0 - 2187
Semifinal 2 (SF2) Södertälje SK promoted to next round
Haninge Anchors HC - Södertälje SK 0 - 1  
Haninge Anchors HC  -  Södertälje SK 0 - 3 (0-1, 0-2) 0 - 3
IFK Täby HC - Södertälje SK 1 - 0  
IFK Täby HC  - Södertälje SK 6 - 2 (2-2, 4-0) 6 - 2125

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