
U15 Slutspel Stockholm Hockey Cup, Stockholms Ishockeyförbund


Last update: 2014-03-18 19:13
Qualification Round
Spånga Hockey - Norrtälje IK0 - 6 (Norrtälje IK promoted to next round) Kvalomgång 1: 1
GötaTraneberg IK 1 - Brinkens IF1 - 5 (Brinkens IF promoted to next round) Kvalomgång 1: 2
Boo HC - IFK Tumba IK10 - 2 (Boo HC promoted to next round) Kvalomgång 1: 3
16th finals
SDE HF - Södertälje SK3 - 0 (SDE HF promoted to next round) 16th final 2 (16F2)
Sollentuna HC - Haninge Anchors HC8 - 2 (Sollentuna HC promoted to next round) 16th final 4 (16F4)
Vallentuna BK - Norrtälje IK4 - 2 (Vallentuna BK promoted to next round) 16th final 6 (16F6)
Brinkens IF - Boo HC0 - 4 (Boo HC promoted to next round) 16th final 8 (16F8)
Eighth finals
SK Iron Hockey - SDE HF 3 - 4 (SDE HF promoted to next round) Eighth final 1 (8F1)
Järna SK - Sollentuna HC6 - 0 (Järna SK promoted to next round) Eighth final 2 (8F2)
Huddinge IK - Vallentuna BK 2 - 3 (Vallentuna BK promoted to next round) Eighth final 3 (8F3)
AIK - Boo HC6 - 0 (AIK promoted to next round) Eighth final 4 (8F4)
Segeltorps IF - Tyresö Hanviken Hockey4 - 3 (Segeltorps IF promoted to next round) Eighth final 5 (8F5)
Djurgårdens IF - Nacka HK 11 - 0 (Djurgårdens IF promoted to next round) Eighth final 6 (8F6)
Almtuna IS - IFK Täby HC 4 - 3 (Almtuna IS promoted to next round) Eighth final 7 (8F7)
Nyköpings HK - GötaTraneberg IK 18 - 2 (Nyköpings HK promoted to next round) Eighth final 8 (8F8)
SDE HF - Järna SK5 - 0
Quarterfinal 1 (QF1)
Vallentuna BK - AIK 1 - 6
Quarterfinal 2 (QF2)
Segeltorps IF - Djurgårdens IF 0 - 9
Quarterfinal 3 (QF3)
Almtuna IS - Nyköpings HK5 - 1
Quarterfinal 4 (QF4)
SDE HF - AIK 1 - 3
Semifinal 1 (SF1)
Djurgårdens IF - Almtuna IS7 - 3
Semifinal 2 (SF2)
AIK - Djurgårdens IF 4 - 2

Schedule and Results

Qualification Round
Kvalomgång 1: 1Norrtälje IK promoted to next round
Spånga Hockey - Norrtälje IK 0 - 1  
Spånga Hockey -  Norrtälje IK0 - 6 (0-5, 0-1) 0 - 6
Kvalomgång 1: 2Brinkens IF promoted to next round
GötaTraneberg IK 1 - Brinkens IF 0 - 1  
2014-02-16Stora Mossen
GötaTraneberg IK 1 -  Brinkens IF1 - 5 (0-3, 1-2) 1 - 543
Kvalomgång 1: 3Boo HC promoted to next round
Boo HC - IFK Tumba IK 1 - 0  
2014-02-15Björknäs Ishall
Boo HC -  IFK Tumba IK10 - 2 (5-2, 5-0) 10 - 253
16th finals
16th final 2 (16F2) SDE HF promoted to next round
SDE HF - Södertälje SK 1 - 0  
SDE HF  -  Södertälje SK3 - 0 (1-0, 2-0) 3 - 035
16th final 4 (16F4) Sollentuna HC promoted to next round
Sollentuna HC - Haninge Anchors HC 1 - 0  
2014-02-19SVEAB Anex
Sollentuna HC -  Haninge Anchors HC8 - 2 (2-1, 6-1) 8 - 248
16th final 6 (16F6) Vallentuna BK promoted to next round
Vallentuna BK - Norrtälje IK 1 - 0  
2014-02-20Vallentuna Ishall
Vallentuna BK  -  Norrtälje IK4 - 2 (1-1, 3-1) 4 - 2
16th final 8 (16F8) Boo HC promoted to next round
Brinkens IF - Boo HC 0 - 1  
Brinkens IF -  Boo HC0 - 4 (0-3, 0-1) 0 - 430
Eighth finals
Eighth final 1 (8F1) SDE HF promoted to next round
SK Iron Hockey - SDE HF 0 - 1  
2014-03-04Arena Svagströmsbolaget
SK Iron Hockey -  SDE HF 3 - 4 (0-3, 3-1) 3 - 499
Eighth final 2 (8F2) Järna SK promoted to next round
Järna SK - Sollentuna HC 1 - 0  
2014-03-05Järna Ishall
Järna SK -  Sollentuna HC6 - 0 (4-0, 2-0) 6 - 0
Eighth final 3 (8F3) Vallentuna BK promoted to next round
Huddinge IK - Vallentuna BK 0 - 1  
Huddinge IK -  Vallentuna BK 2 - 3 (2-2, 0-1) 2 - 387
Eighth final 4 (8F4) AIK promoted to next round
AIK - Boo HC 1 - 0  
2014-03-05Ulriksdals IP
AIK  -  Boo HC6 - 0 (3-0, 3-0) 6 - 0
Eighth final 5 (8F5) Segeltorps IF promoted to next round
Segeltorps IF - Tyresö Hanviken Hockey 1 - 0  
Segeltorps IF -  Tyresö Hanviken Hockey4 - 3 (2-0, 2-3) 4 - 375
Eighth final 6 (8F6) Djurgårdens IF promoted to next round
Djurgårdens IF - Nacka HK 1 - 0  
2014-03-05Mälarhöjdens Ishall
Djurgårdens IF  -  Nacka HK 11 - 0 (7-0, 4-0) 11 - 0
Eighth final 7 (8F7) Almtuna IS promoted to next round
Almtuna IS - IFK Täby HC 1 - 0  
2014-03-04Metallåtervinning Arena
Almtuna IS -  IFK Täby HC 4 - 3 (2-1, 1-2, 1-0) 4 - 364
Eighth final 8 (8F8) Nyköpings HK promoted to next round
Nyköpings HK - GötaTraneberg IK 1 1 - 0  
2014-03-05Lilla Hallen
Nyköpings HK -  GötaTraneberg IK 18 - 2 (3-1, 5-1) 8 - 259
Quarterfinal 1 (QF1) SDE HF promoted to next round
SDE HF - Järna SK 1 - 0  
SDE HF  -  Järna SK5 - 0 (3-0, 2-0) 5 - 0
Quarterfinal 2 (QF2) AIK promoted to next round
Vallentuna BK - AIK 0 - 1  
Vallentuna BK  -  AIK 1 - 6 (1-4, 0-2) 1 - 6
Quarterfinal 3 (QF3) Djurgårdens IF promoted to next round
Segeltorps IF - Djurgårdens IF 0 - 1  
Segeltorps IF -  Djurgårdens IF 0 - 9 (0-1, 0-8) 0 - 9
Quarterfinal 4 (QF4) Almtuna IS promoted to next round
Almtuna IS - Nyköpings HK 1 - 0  
Almtuna IS -  Nyköpings HK5 - 1 (2-1, 3-0) 5 - 1
Semifinal 1 (SF1) AIK promoted to next round
SDE HF - AIK 0 - 1  
SDE HF  -  AIK 1 - 3 (1-3, 0-0) 1 - 3
Semifinal 2 (SF2) Djurgårdens IF promoted to next round
Djurgårdens IF - Almtuna IS 1 - 0  
Djurgårdens IF  -  Almtuna IS7 - 3 (4-1, 3-2) 7 - 386
AIK - Djurgårdens IF 1 - 0  
AIK  -  Djurgårdens IF 4 - 2 (1-1, 3-1) 4 - 2

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