
Play Off HockeyTrean Värmland

Junior Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2023-02-10 22:00
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM Birthdate
124Bikse, MarcisVHCRW330302004-06-07
221Andersson, GustavSUNCE312322003-02-07
312Lindsäth, SamuelSUNLW303302003-05-09
421Olsson, AlbinVHCCE311222003-04-28
53Davidsson, AdrianVHCLW311262003-01-11
677Andersson, MaxSÄFMCE110102007-05-23
723Johansson, ViktorCHAMRW210122003-02-06
87Koch, AntonSÄFMLW201102004-01-23
14Skålén, OlleSÄFMLD201102005-03-14
1013Backlund, MilleVHCCE301102005-08-15
7Modigh, NeoVHCRW301102005-10-05
Sorted by higher Total Points, Goals, Assists, lower Games Played and Penalty In Minutes.

Junior Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2023-02-10 22:00
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM Birthdate
124Bikse, MarcisVHCRW330302004-06-07
277Andersson, MaxSÄFMCE110102007-05-23
323Johansson, ViktorCHAMRW210122003-02-06
421Andersson, GustavSUNCE312322003-02-07
3Davidsson, AdrianVHCLW311262003-01-11
21Olsson, AlbinVHCCE311222003-04-28
Sorted by higher Goals, and lower Games Played.

Junior Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2023-02-10 22:00
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM Birthdate
112Lindsäth, SamuelSUNLW303302003-05-09
221Andersson, GustavSUNCE312322003-02-07
37Koch, AntonSÄFMLW201102004-01-23
14Skålén, OlleSÄFMLD201102005-03-14
513Backlund, MilleVHCCE301102005-08-15
3Davidsson, AdrianVHCLW311262003-01-11
7Modigh, NeoVHCRW301102005-10-05
21Olsson, AlbinVHCCE311222003-04-28
Sorted by higher Assists and lower Games Played.
- Charlottenbergs HC
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