
A1 Division 1, Göteborgs Ishockeyförbund

Defensemen Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2018-12-15 21:24
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM
128Wignell, IsakRÖNLD111361914
241Johansson, AlbinLIOVLD10612186
312Hofsten, LudvigMÖLRD10891728
414Lorentsson, AlfredRÖNLD91061620
547Mattsson, AntonLIOVLD10871558
69Angelin, MariusBÄCRD11691510
746Ljungström, AlfredLIOVLD1177144
824Sinik, WilliamMÖLLD11661210
95Andersson, LudwigMÖLRD11381110
104Fröjd, SebastianMÖLRD11110112
1166Strömberg, ErikHÄRLD10821037
1227Hansson, MaxKUNLD82792
1323Ullsten, JacobKUNRD91894
1437Widsén, TheoFRÖLD1062818
1532Mohammad, YousefKUNLD95384
1619Rosarius, SanderMÖLLD1052710
174Heina, JimmyFRÖRD1052722
1818Sténhoff, VictorBÄCLD943710
193Sjöström, EliasMÖLRD43478
2023Legneroth, EliasLERLD83474
213Dellborg, ViktorHOVRD1134722
2222Spångberg, VincentHOVLD112466
234Nordmark, TimHÄRRD71564
2413Leinonen, JesperLERLD110660
2533Hagelin-Börjesson, MauritzFRÖLD53250
Sorted by higher Total Points, Goals, Assists, lower Games Played and Penalty In Minutes.

Defensemen Goal Scoring Leaders  

Last update: 2018-12-15 21:24
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM
128Wignell, IsakRÖNLD111361914
214Lorentsson, AlfredRÖNLD91061620
312Hofsten, LudvigMÖLRD10891728
47Mattsson, AntonLIOVLD10871558
66Strömberg, ErikHÄRLD10821037
646Ljungström, AlfredLIOVLD1177144
741Johansson, AlbinLIOVLD10612186
37Widsén, TheoFRÖLD1062818
99Angelin, MariusBÄCRD11691510
24Sinik, WilliamMÖLLD11661210
1132Mohammad, YousefKUNLD95384
124Heina, JimmyFRÖRD1052722
19Rosarius, SanderMÖLLD1052710
1418Sténhoff, VictorBÄCLD943710
153Sjöström, EliasMÖLRD43478
1633Hagelin-Börjesson, MauritzFRÖLD53250
1723Legneroth, EliasLERLD83474
1834Olander, LudwigFRÖRD93038
22Staf, FelixHÄRLD93252
69Thorvaldsen, LinusLYSRD932514
215Andersson, LudwigMÖLRD11381110
3Dellborg, ViktorHOVRD1134722
38Strand Mostad, ErikLIOVLD113146
246Odell, ViggoLYSLD12022
2521Ström, DidrickKUNLD62244
Sorted by higher Goals, and lower Games Played.

Defensemen Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2018-12-15 21:24
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP G A TP PIM
141Johansson, AlbinLIOVLD10612186
24Fröjd, SebastianMÖLRD11110112
312Hofsten, LudvigMÖLRD10891728
49Angelin, MariusBÄCRD11691510
523Ullsten, JacobKUNRD91894
65Andersson, LudwigMÖLRD11381110
727Hansson, MaxKUNLD82792
847Mattsson, AntonLIOVLD10871558
946Ljungström, AlfredLIOVLD1177144
1014Lorentsson, AlfredRÖNLD91061620
1113Leinonen, JesperLERLD110660
24Sinik, WilliamMÖLLD11661210
28Wignell, IsakRÖNLD111361914
144Nordmark, TimHÄRRD71564
1522Fredriksson, HannesLYSLD905539
165Persson, SimonLYSLD100552
173Sjöström, EliasMÖLRD43478
1826Andersson, NilsKUNRD51454
1923Legneroth, EliasLERLD83474
207Nygren, JoelLERLD914541
213Dellborg, ViktorHOVRD1134722
37Niklasson, NikolaiLIOVRD1114512
26Ohlsson, JoelBÄCLD111450
8Ramsberg, TimMÖLRD111452
22Spångberg, VincentHOVLD112466
Sorted by higher Assists and lower Games Played.
- Bäcken HC
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- Hanhals IF
- Hisingen/Järnbrott
- Hovås HC
- Härryda HC
- IF Mölndal Hockey
- Kungälvs IK
- Lerums BK
- Lions HC Strömstad
- Rönnängs IK
- Uddevalla/Lysekil/Munkedal

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