Clubs in Småland
Clubs in Småland

DamJunior Norra, Region Syd , Region Syd

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Last update: 2024-10-31 21:46
Rk No NameTeam GPI 5-5 5-4 5-3 4-4 4-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-5 EQG% PPG% SHG% PS GWS GA GAA
133Wahlberg, ThiliaLHC210000000233,330,0066,670031.50
230Jeansson, EllenFRÖ320000000166,670,0033,330031.00
31Carmström, MoaHV71371000000177,7811,1111,110093.67
430Wildt Appelgren, AmandaVÄN4111000000278,577,1414,2900145.43
51Malmer, HedvigVÄX2133000000081,2512,506,2500167.69
620Silvergrund, NowaVÄX292000000081,8218,180,0000115.50
71Wyckman, TildeLHC2200000000100,000,000,000021.00

47Helge, MajaFRÖ10000000000000.00
29Hallqvist, AnnieVÄN372000000263,6418,1818,1800117.31
30Hellerstedt, LillyHV712121000000185,717,147,1400149.11
Sorted by lower Equal strength Goals%, Goal Against per 60 minutes
Only goalies who particated more than 40% of their teams total game time will be included in the ranking. Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies.
- Frölunda HC
- HV 71
- Linköping HC
- Vänersborgs HC
- Växjö Lakers HC

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