
J18 Division 1 A Västra

Shorthanded Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2024-01-29 15:50
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
115List Halvarsson, ViktorHUDCE11303
211Wickström, EricBOLCE3202
324Blomstrand, FilipBOLLW11202
451Bergman, AlfonsHILCE14202
15Jonsson, TureTIELD14202
619Larsson, MelvinBOLLW7112
723Robertsson, FelixHUDRW14112
861Egmar, GustafHUDLW2101
964Lahtinen, NoahSTRLW6101
1045Andersson, LiamSKURW7101
1191Thyr, ArwidSTRCE9101
1218Ödeving, ViggoHUDCE10101
1315Sahlberg, GustafOHCCE12101
1415Englund, HebbeGÄVCE13101
7Öhlander, ViggeSKUCE13101
8Östman, ElliotHUDCE13101
1722Carlsson, OliverGÄVLD14101
98Khereba, LeonHILRW14101
55Lundström, OskarSKULW14101
2036Horst, VidarSTRRD3011
21Rohlin, TinjeBOLRW3011
2216Morin, EdvinBOLRW4011
2379Eriksson, WalterOHCCE6011
247Gunnarsson, HannesBOLRD11011
2521Genberg, AntonHUDLD12011
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Total Points, Shorthanded Goals
and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2024-01-29 15:50
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
115List Halvarsson, ViktorHUDCE11303
211Wickström, EricBOLCE3202
324Blomstrand, FilipBOLLW11202
451Bergman, AlfonsHILCE14202
15Jonsson, TureTIELD14202
661Egmar, GustafHUDLW2101
764Lahtinen, NoahSTRLW6101
845Andersson, LiamSKURW7101
19Larsson, MelvinBOLLW7112
1091Thyr, ArwidSTRCE9101
1118Ödeving, ViggoHUDCE10101
1215Sahlberg, GustafOHCCE12101
1315Englund, HebbeGÄVCE13101
7Öhlander, ViggeSKUCE13101
8Östman, ElliotHUDCE13101
1622Carlsson, OliverGÄVLD14101
98Khereba, LeonHILRW14101
55Lundström, OskarSKULW14101
23Robertsson, FelixHUDRW14112
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Goals and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2024-01-29 15:50
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
136Horst, VidarSTRRD3011
21Rohlin, TinjeBOLRW3011
316Morin, EdvinBOLRW4011
479Eriksson, WalterOHCCE6011
519Larsson, MelvinBOLLW7112
67Gunnarsson, HannesBOLRD11011
721Genberg, AntonHUDLD12011
26Lundblad, KnutHILCE12011
26Wahlström, LinusTIECE12011
1040Henriksson, WilmerHUDCE13011
7Lindberg, NoahHUDCE13011
1237Botvidson, LoveHUDRW14011
13Norling, AlexanderGÄVRD14011
23Robertsson, FelixHUDRW14112
38Rågberg, SvanteHUDRW14011
60Schilling, TimGÄVCE14011
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Assists and lower Games Played.
- Bollnäs IS/Söderhamn Ljusne HC
- Gävle GIK
- Hille/Åbyggeby IK
- Hudiksvalls HC
- Ockelbo HC
- Skutskärs SK
- Strömsbro IF:2
- Tierps HK

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