
Play Off till förkval J20 Nationell

Powerplay Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2023-03-11 14:13
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
16Henningsson, AlexanderGIKCE3123
247Nilsson, TeoGIKCE4022
33Larsson, SebastianHUDLD2101
17Sahlberg, AlexVALCE2101
592Englund, SimonGIKRD3101
638Klavhed, LeoBIKLD4101
9Niclasson, EmilGIKLW4101
17Nylén, EdvinBIKLW4101
972Johansson, TheoGIKLW1011
1020Byström, SimonHUDRW2011
36Högström, NoahVALCE2011
86Lundh, RobinVALLW2011
9Sulser, JohnHUDCE2011
1439Lundgren, TheoBIKCE4011
21Olsson, JakobBIKLW4011
53Söderlund, FelixBIKLD4011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Total Points, Powerplay Goals
and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2023-03-11 14:13
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
13Larsson, SebastianHUDLD2101
17Sahlberg, AlexVALCE2101
392Englund, SimonGIKRD3101
6Henningsson, AlexanderGIKCE3123
538Klavhed, LeoBIKLD4101
9Niclasson, EmilGIKLW4101
17Nylén, EdvinBIKLW4101
Sorted by higher Powerplay Goals and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2023-03-11 14:13
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
16Henningsson, AlexanderGIKCE3123
247Nilsson, TeoGIKCE4022
372Johansson, TheoGIKLW1011
420Byström, SimonHUDRW2011
36Högström, NoahVALCE2011
86Lundh, RobinVALLW2011
9Sulser, JohnHUDCE2011
839Lundgren, TheoBIKCE4011
21Olsson, JakobBIKLW4011
53Söderlund, FelixBIKLD4011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Assists and lower Games Played.
- Bofors IK Karlskoga
- Grums IK
- Hudiksvalls HC
- Valbo HC

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