

Shorthanded Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2013-03-19 09:20
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
116Borgqvist, AnnaBIFCE19303
211Bialik Öien, LineAIKRW26213
322Altmann, DeniseLHCRW27213
411Östberg, CeciliaLIFLW26123
57Johansson, KarinBIFRW28123
613Lind, MariaMODORW21202
727Stenberg, RebeccaMUNRW25202
867Löwenhielm, MichelleAIKCE26202
922Östlund, AngelicaBIFCE28202
1012Nordin, EmmaMODOCE28112
22Samuelsson, VictoriaMODORW28112
1221Olsson, HannaHV71CE8101
139Lersbryggen, BirgitteSEGLW19101
1429Farstad, IngvildLHCCE21101
1542Asserholt, JenniLHCLW23101
9Hall, MadeleineLIFCE23101
77Johansson, ElinMODOLW23101
1819Eliasson, EmmaMUNCE24101
17Grahm, ErikaMODORW24101
14Markeby, ClaraMUNLD24101
2192Ostrow, SussaneLHCLD26101
2232Lorsell, AngelicaBIFCE27101
2316Johansson, LisaAIKLW28101
28Koka, IvetaLIFLD28101
8Vikdahl, KristinaLHCRD28101
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Total Points, Shorthanded Goals
and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2013-03-19 09:20
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
116Borgqvist, AnnaBIFCE19303
213Lind, MariaMODORW21202
327Stenberg, RebeccaMUNRW25202
411Bialik Öien, LineAIKRW26213
67Löwenhielm, MichelleAIKCE26202
622Altmann, DeniseLHCRW27213
722Östlund, AngelicaBIFCE28202
821Olsson, HannaHV71CE8101
99Lersbryggen, BirgitteSEGLW19101
1029Farstad, IngvildLHCCE21101
1142Asserholt, JenniLHCLW23101
9Hall, MadeleineLIFCE23101
77Johansson, ElinMODOLW23101
1419Eliasson, EmmaMUNCE24101
17Grahm, ErikaMODORW24101
14Markeby, ClaraMUNLD24101
1792Ostrow, SussaneLHCLD26101
11Östberg, CeciliaLIFLW26123
1932Lorsell, AngelicaBIFCE27101
207Johansson, KarinBIFRW28123
16Johansson, LisaAIKLW28101
28Koka, IvetaLIFLD28101
12Nordin, EmmaMODOCE28112
22Samuelsson, VictoriaMODORW28112
8Vikdahl, KristinaLHCRD28101
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Goals and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2013-03-19 09:20
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
111Östberg, CeciliaLIFLW26123
27Johansson, KarinBIFRW28123
336Sjögren, MalinMODOLD19011
441Martinsen, HeleneAIKLW23011
512Andersson, KristinMUNRW25011
621Andersson, MatildahLHCRW26011
11Bialik Öien, LineAIKRW26213
9Sletbak, HenrietteBIFRW26011
922Altmann, DeniseLHCRW27213
20Bairos, AshleyLHCCE27011
119Claesson, MichelleHV71CE28011
6Ekström, WilmaLIFRD28011
39Enström, TinaMODOCE28011
20Johansson, EmelieBIFRW28011
13Johansson, SophieMUNLD28011
12Küller, SabinaAIKCE28011
28Lillbäck, CajsaAIKRD28011
12Nordin, EmmaMODOCE28112
47Rydberg, AnnaLHCCE28011
22Samuelsson, VictoriaMODORW28112
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Assists and lower Games Played.
- Brynäs IF
- HV 71
- Leksands IF
- Linköpings HC
- MODO Hockey
- Munksund-Skuthamns SK
- Segeltorps IF

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