
J18 Division 1 AB Norra, Region Norr

Shorthanded Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2023-12-15 21:57
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
197Östberg, HugoSUNLW14213
218Pavlovics, RainersKALLW8202
323Paulsson, ScottKIRRW10202
436Mettävainio-Berglund, NilsBRORW12202
20Nordmark, JoelSUNLW12202
638Tedfelt, SvanteSUNRW14202
714Fredriksson, VidarKALCE13112
827Kempe, JohnSKLLW14112
974Norberg, NoelSUNLD13022
39Ågren, MånsSUNLD13022
1195Ek, EdvinSUNCE14022
1212Andefors, NoelSUNLD4101
132Asplund, OliverSKLLD7101
20Lindfors, EinarKAIFRW7101
159Bergersen Fors, KevinKIRRW10101
1627Engman, AxelKIRRW11101
1719Mattila, WilliamKALRW13101
1818Elgcrona, JesperBRORD14101
29Eriksson, MalteKALRD14101
8Hagström, VilmerKIRLW14101
2112Carlsten, TageKIRCE9011
226Gunillasson, ElisKIRLW11011
2318Jönsson, IsakSUNRW12011
58Karlsson - Wågström, ViggoSUNLD12011
2522Eriksson, LucasKALLD13011
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Total Points, Shorthanded Goals
and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2023-12-15 21:57
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
118Pavlovics, RainersKALLW8202
223Paulsson, ScottKIRRW10202
336Mettävainio-Berglund, NilsBRORW12202
20Nordmark, JoelSUNLW12202
538Tedfelt, SvanteSUNRW14202
97Östberg, HugoSUNLW14213
712Andefors, NoelSUNLD4101
82Asplund, OliverSKLLD7101
20Lindfors, EinarKAIFRW7101
109Bergersen Fors, KevinKIRRW10101
1127Engman, AxelKIRRW11101
1214Fredriksson, VidarKALCE13112
19Mattila, WilliamKALRW13101
1418Elgcrona, JesperBRORD14101
29Eriksson, MalteKALRD14101
8Hagström, VilmerKIRLW14101
27Kempe, JohnSKLLW14112
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Goals and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2023-12-15 21:57
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
174Norberg, NoelSUNLD13022
39Ågren, MånsSUNLD13022
395Ek, EdvinSUNCE14022
412Carlsten, TageKIRCE9011
56Gunillasson, ElisKIRLW11011
618Jönsson, IsakSUNRW12011
58Karlsson - Wågström, ViggoSUNLD12011
822Eriksson, LucasKALLD13011
14Fredriksson, VidarKALCE13112
25Lindqvist-Nilsson, RasmusKALLW13011
1110Abrahamsson, ViktorKALLD14011
18Glad Ahlzén, MillionKIRRD14011
40Håkansson, CharlieSKLCE14011
67Höglund, WilleSUNRW14011
27Kempe, JohnSKLLW14112
18Lillbacka, EmilKAIFLD14011
37Lindmark, GustavBROCE14011
23Sundén, NilsBROCE14011
27Svensson, MattiasKALRD14011
97Östberg, HugoSUNLW14213
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Assists and lower Games Played.
- Bodens HF
- Brooklyn Tigers UHF
- Kalix HC
- Kiruna IF
- Kågedalens AIF
- Pajala HC/Övertorneå HF
- SK Lejon
- Sunderby SK

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