
B2 Division 2A Höst, Skånes Ishockeyförbund

Powerplay Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2024-12-03 16:17
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
121Rosenqvist, EltonOSBRW3123
237Lindgren, VideRBK2CE4202
320Edvinsson, HelmerOSBLD6202
2Johansson, MelkerGLIRW6202
540Persson, EricOSBLD3112
645Rang, VidarLUNRÖDRD6112
733Ydesand-Malm, VildeOSBRD2022
836Johnsson, AdrianRBK2CE4022
98Hagre, WilleLUNRÖDCE1101
107Asenov, CharlieKRILD3101
18Kralj, GabrijelRBK2CE3101
2Palm, JuliaMIFBFLD3101
1353Blomé Ronnerling, ElmerLUNRÖDLD4101
146Magnusson, MånsTYRCE5101
24Silfverberg, ElsaKRILW5101
9Söderberg, VincentTYRRW5101
1723Björnsson, LeonTYRLW6101
10Dahl, LeviOSBRD6101
7Hörberg, LudwigRBK2CE6101
15Lundin, LiamKRIRD6101
11Nilsson, LoeTYRLD6101
2241Johansson, LeonRBK2CE1011
239Berseus, LucasRBK2CE4011
2429Devini, EnzoRBK2CE5011
5Fridlund, TageGLIRD5011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Total Points, Powerplay Goals
and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2024-12-03 16:17
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
137Lindgren, VideRBK2CE4202
220Edvinsson, HelmerOSBLD6202
2Johansson, MelkerGLIRW6202
48Hagre, WilleLUNRÖDCE1101
57Asenov, CharlieKRILD3101
18Kralj, GabrijelRBK2CE3101
2Palm, JuliaMIFBFLD3101
40Persson, EricOSBLD3112
21Rosenqvist, EltonOSBRW3123
1053Blomé Ronnerling, ElmerLUNRÖDLD4101
116Magnusson, MånsTYRCE5101
24Silfverberg, ElsaKRILW5101
9Söderberg, VincentTYRRW5101
1423Björnsson, LeonTYRLW6101
10Dahl, LeviOSBRD6101
7Hörberg, LudwigRBK2CE6101
15Lundin, LiamKRIRD6101
11Nilsson, LoeTYRLD6101
45Rang, VidarLUNRÖDRD6112
Sorted by higher Powerplay Goals and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2024-12-03 16:17
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
133Ydesand-Malm, VildeOSBRD2022
221Rosenqvist, EltonOSBRW3123
336Johnsson, AdrianRBK2CE4022
441Johansson, LeonRBK2CE1011
540Persson, EricOSBLD3112
69Berseus, LucasRBK2CE4011
729Devini, EnzoRBK2CE5011
5Fridlund, TageGLIRD5011
11Lind, AlwinKRILW5011
18Nilsson, AlbinOSBCE5011
7Reshetnova, MyroslavaMIFBFLW5011
1228Kannius, MalteTYRRD6011
5Ljungquist, MaltonKRIRD6011
16Malm, WilmerOSBRD6011
3Norfall, HugoKRICE6011
26Persson, AlvinGLIRW6011
12Persson, DevinTYRCE6011
45Rang, VidarLUNRÖDRD6112
4Sjölander, LouiOSBRW6011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Assists and lower Games Played.
- Glimma HK
- IF Malmö Redhawks B2 Flickor
- Kristianstads IK
- Lund Giants HC RÖD
- Osby IK
- Rögle BK Div 2
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