
Gruppspel, U20 Super Challenge

Powerplay Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2024-08-18 18:53
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
141Nyhus Myhre, JörgenVÅLLW4213
273Engholm, JoakimFBKRW5213
32Bengtsson, WilliamBIKLD4123
455Kittel, AgustBIKCE5123
519Dufour, MathisFRALW5202
629Antonsson, JoelBIKLW5112
43Bergman, BenjaminBIKLD5112
42Evensen, Casper HuagenBIKLW5112
13Garau, NathanITALW5112
2Lehmann, GabrielFRALD5112
35Skjellum-Kokkim, TheodorVÅLLW5112
32Tsoi, LiamBIKRD5112
1336Ng Bylund, OscarVÅLLW5022
10Nogaretto, HugoFRARW5022
84Straume Vatne, EliasFBKLW5022
25Styrenius, NoelFBKRD5022
10Szongoth, DömeHUNRW5022
1829Langland, OliverVÅLRW4101
1940Ling, GustavFBKRW5101
15Löczi, BarnabásHUNLW5101
19Pisetta, ThomasITACE5101
23Szongoth, DománHUNRW5101
22Vidal, TomFRALW5101
2423Djian, RobinsonFRARW3011
26Wahlund, JoeFBKRD3011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Total Points, Powerplay Goals
and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2024-08-18 18:53
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
141Nyhus Myhre, JörgenVÅLLW4213
219Dufour, MathisFRALW5202
73Engholm, JoakimFBKRW5213
42Bengtsson, WilliamBIKLD4123
29Langland, OliverVÅLRW4101
629Antonsson, JoelBIKLW5112
43Bergman, BenjaminBIKLD5112
42Evensen, Casper HuagenBIKLW5112
13Garau, NathanITALW5112
55Kittel, AgustBIKCE5123
2Lehmann, GabrielFRALD5112
40Ling, GustavFBKRW5101
15Löczi, BarnabásHUNLW5101
19Pisetta, ThomasITACE5101
35Skjellum-Kokkim, TheodorVÅLLW5112
23Szongoth, DománHUNRW5101
32Tsoi, LiamBIKRD5112
22Vidal, TomFRALW5101
Sorted by higher Powerplay Goals and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2024-08-18 18:53
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
12Bengtsson, WilliamBIKLD4123
255Kittel, AgustBIKCE5123
36Ng Bylund, OscarVÅLLW5022
10Nogaretto, HugoFRARW5022
84Straume Vatne, EliasFBKLW5022
25Styrenius, NoelFBKRD5022
10Szongoth, DömeHUNRW5022
823Djian, RobinsonFRARW3011
26Wahlund, JoeFBKRD3011
1041Nyhus Myhre, JörgenVÅLLW4213
1129Antonsson, JoelBIKLW5112
47Becker, SebastianBIKRD5011
43Bergman, BenjaminBIKLD5112
73Engholm, JoakimFBKRW5213
42Evensen, Casper HuagenBIKLW5112
13Garau, NathanITALW5112
44Gustafsson, TobiasBIKLD5011
2Lehmann, GabrielFRALD5112
3Mihalik, GergöHUNLW5011
14Nilly, ArthurFRALW5011
45Nordahl Bäkkelund, BirkVÅLRW5011
15Pisetta, VilliITALW5011
21Remolato, NicolòITARW5011
35Skjellum-Kokkim, TheodorVÅLLW5112
25Sletmoe-Kjärnet, ErlendVÅLRD5011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Assists and lower Games Played.
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