
Mörrums J18 Cup Slutspel, Blekinge Ishockeyförbund

Powerplay Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2021-08-22 19:04
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
129Lundblad, LeoSMÅLW2112
19Sandberg, VincentSMÅCE2112
326Annetun, OscarIKPRW2101
4Carlson, MioOLOLD2101
12Fredén, TheoMÖRRD2101
19Klinteberg, VincentOLOLW2101
21Northfell, TheoBLELW2101
26Påhlman, SixtenSMÅLW2101
918Abrahamsson, JoelSMÅCE2011
13Fransson, JohanOLOCE2011
24Fredh, RasmusSMÅLW2011
9Fries, AgatonBLELW2011
12Gerdtsson, JoelIKPCE2011
9Hammar, TheoOLOLW2011
22Ideström, CasperIKPCE2011
27Lindeborg, EltonSMÅLW2011
10Sellrup, KnutMÖRLD2011
13Sollin, AntonSMÅRW2011
36Stark, JonathanOLORD2011
7Thuresson, WilmerMÖRRD2011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Total Points, Powerplay Goals
and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2021-08-22 19:04
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
126Annetun, OscarIKPRW2101
4Carlson, MioOLOLD2101
12Fredén, TheoMÖRRD2101
19Klinteberg, VincentOLOLW2101
29Lundblad, LeoSMÅLW2112
21Northfell, TheoBLELW2101
26Påhlman, SixtenSMÅLW2101
19Sandberg, VincentSMÅCE2112
Sorted by higher Powerplay Goals and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2021-08-22 19:04
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
118Abrahamsson, JoelSMÅCE2011
13Fransson, JohanOLOCE2011
24Fredh, RasmusSMÅLW2011
9Fries, AgatonBLELW2011
12Gerdtsson, JoelIKPCE2011
9Hammar, TheoOLOLW2011
22Ideström, CasperIKPCE2011
27Lindeborg, EltonSMÅLW2011
29Lundblad, LeoSMÅLW2112
19Sandberg, VincentSMÅCE2112
10Sellrup, KnutMÖRLD2011
13Sollin, AntonSMÅRW2011
36Stark, JonathanOLORD2011
7Thuresson, WilmerMÖRRD2011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Assists and lower Games Played.
- Blekinge
- IK Pantern
- KAC Klagenfurter
- Karlskrona HK
- Mörrums GoIS IK
- Olofströms IK
- Skåne
- Småland

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