
Alltvåan CD Norra, Region Norr

Powerplay Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2020-03-03 21:58
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
191Boström, TobiasKRARW6213
43Thunman-Hälldahl, MattiasAIKLD6213
321Nordin, LinusKOVLW6033
24Nordlander, OscarKOVCE6033
520Fahlander, EmilKOVLW3202
68Andersson, IsakIFSUNRW6112
4Dahlgren, MathiasKOVLD6112
4Gustafsson, JohnyAIKRD6112
51Lindqvist, EmilIFSUNRW6112
21Rikner, ChristofferAIKLW6112
1156Stiernman, EmilKRARD5022
127Rikner, NiclasAIKCE6022
41Sjöberg, SimonIFSUNCE6022
70Vesterlund, LukasAIKCE6022
69Wågström, JonathanKRALW6022
1611Johansson, ViktorKOVRW4101
1715Holmberg, VictorKRARW6101
42Rödlund, LinusAIKLW6101
13Tell, FredrikKOVLW6101
10Wedin, NiclasIFSUNLD6101
2186Fällman, FilipIFSUNRW5011
63Sjödin, CasperIFSUNLW5011
16Ölmerud, JesperKRALW5011
2437Blom, VictorAIKRD6011
41Hellgren, FredrikAIKLW6011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Total Points, Powerplay Goals
and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2020-03-03 21:58
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
120Fahlander, EmilKOVLW3202
291Boström, TobiasKRARW6213
43Thunman-Hälldahl, MattiasAIKLD6213
411Johansson, ViktorKOVRW4101
58Andersson, IsakIFSUNRW6112
4Dahlgren, MathiasKOVLD6112
4Gustafsson, JohnyAIKRD6112
15Holmberg, VictorKRARW6101
51Lindqvist, EmilIFSUNRW6112
21Rikner, ChristofferAIKLW6112
42Rödlund, LinusAIKLW6101
13Tell, FredrikKOVLW6101
10Wedin, NiclasIFSUNLD6101
Sorted by higher Powerplay Goals and lower Games Played.

Powerplay Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2020-03-03 21:58
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP PPG PPA PPTP
121Nordin, LinusKOVLW6033
24Nordlander, OscarKOVCE6033
356Stiernman, EmilKRARD5022
47Rikner, NiclasAIKCE6022
41Sjöberg, SimonIFSUNCE6022
70Vesterlund, LukasAIKCE6022
69Wågström, JonathanKRALW6022
886Fällman, FilipIFSUNRW5011
63Sjödin, CasperIFSUNLW5011
16Ölmerud, JesperKRALW5011
118Andersson, IsakIFSUNRW6112
37Blom, VictorAIKRD6011
91Boström, TobiasKRARW6213
4Dahlgren, MathiasKOVLD6112
4Gustafsson, JohnyAIKRD6112
41Hellgren, FredrikAIKLW6011
51Lindqvist, EmilIFSUNRW6112
18Pihlström, OliverKOVLW6011
21Rikner, ChristofferAIKLW6112
43Thunman-Hälldahl, MattiasAIKLD6213
28Wallin, OliverIFSUNLW6011
Sorted by higher Powerplay Assists and lower Games Played.
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