
U16 Gästr/Häls

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Last update: 2017-12-18 17:40
Rk No NameTeam GPI 5-5 5-4 5-3 4-4 4-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-5 EQG% PPG% SHG% PS GWS GA GAA
135Larsson, AntonVAL780000000561,540,0038,4600131.86
230Westerlund, AntonHUD6173000001370,8312,5016,6701243.91
330Jansson, JesperSTR11252010001574,295,7117,1411353.60
435Johansson, RasmusSAN9221000001575,863,4520,6900293.96
525Henriksson, JoelSÖD8351010001878,262,1719,5701466.44
625Eling, HenryVAL5140000000382,350,0017,6500173.40
71Johansson, TheoSÖD6141000000282,355,8811,7600173.44
848Gyllenskepp, TimHIL10261010000387,103,239,6800313.88
930Karnatz, GustavSKU10420010000295,560,004,4400454.80

60Lindberg, GöstaHUD391000000275,008,3316,6700125.59
99Hammarlund-Bolander, PerSAN3121000001275,006,2518,7500165.74
99Stalczynski, MichaelSAN340020001085,710,0014,290073.61
30Jonsson, SamuelSTR4120000001185,710,0014,2900145.82
72Wilestedt, JonathanSKU4141010000188,245,885,8800176.16
30Eriksson, EmilHUD5230000000292,000,008,0001256.35
40Schelin, AxelHIL6250010000292,860,007,1400286.65
Sorted by lower Equal strength Goals%, Goal Against per 60 minutes
Only goalies who particated more than 40% of their teams total game time will be included in the ranking. Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies.
- Hille/Åbyggeby IK
- Hudiksvalls HC
- Sandvikens IK/Hofors HC
- Skutskärs SK/IK Huge
- Strömsbro IF
- Söderhamns IK/SLHC
- Valbo HC

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