
J20 Division 1 Östra B

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Last update: 2024-11-16 19:48
Rk No NameTeam GPI 5-5 5-4 5-3 4-4 4-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-5 EQG% PPG% SHG% PS GWS GA GAA
11Forsberg, AlvinVÄR9160000000672,730,0027,2700222.46
21Avehag, ArildSAL5182010001273,087,6911,5420265.23
335Lidström, LeonSEG591000000175,008,338,3310122.78
452Skoglund, WalterBRI7143120000277,274,5518,1800223.43
530Andersson, HugoSAL5150010000384,210,0015,7900193.78
630Elmén, VincentHIF7160110000189,475,265,2600192.92
798Noresund, TimHAN7500050000690,160,009,8400619.20

35Hajek, MatejSEG220000000528,570,0071,430173.36
31Järnö-Hammarström, KasperSEG481000001361,547,6930,7700133.56
35Moreno, MartinVÄR120000000166,670,0033,330033.00
50Hjelmqvist, MarkusBRI5101000000371,437,1421,4300143.83
30Lanthen, VictorHAN4272000001772,975,4121,62003710.84
35Lundberg, OscarHIF4140000000477,780,0022,2200185.13
Sorted by lower Equal strength Goals%, Goal Against per 60 minutes
Only goalies who particated more than 40% of their teams total game time will be included in the ranking. Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies.
- Brinkens IF
- Hammarby IF
- Haninge Anchors HC
- Saltsjöbadens IF
- Segeltorps IF Ishockeyförening
- Värmdö HC

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