J18 DM

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Last update: 2024-03-08 21:32
Rk No NameTeam GPI 5-5 5-4 5-3 4-4 4-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-5 EQG% PPG% SHG% PS GWS GA GAA
11Leo, CarlHAM20000000010,000,00100,000010.50
233Bylerius, AndreasGRU110000000150,000,0050,000022.08
335Jeffsson, LiamKIL280010000281,820,0018,1800115.50
431Grabovica, AlesanderBIK170000000187,500,0012,500088.00
530Malmenby, PontusGRU1100000000100,000,000,000011.00
688Sjöblom, VilmerFOR1200000000100,000,000,000023.00

1Törnqvist, WictorFOR130000000175,000,0025,0000412.00
Sorted by lower Equal strength Goals%, Goal Against per 60 minutes
Only goalies who particated more than 40% of their teams total game time will be included in the ranking. Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies.
- BIK Karlskoga:2/KHT
- Forshaga IF
- Grums IK
- Hammarö HC
- Kils AIK