
U19 5-Nations

Faceoff Leaders

Last update: 2023-02-11 18:49
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP FO W L FO%
112Hokkanen, OttoFINLW22214863.64
215Lassila, JereFINCE470442662.86
325Påhlsson, ErikSWECE456352162.50
418Lurati, AlessandroSUILW444271761.36
516Lundell, KasperFINCE442251759.52
611Kilpinen, MaximilianSWECE446262056.52
722Laband, LudwigSWECE476423455.26
825Nieleck, LennardGERLW438211755.26
912Reinhard, MattheoSUICE467363153.73
1013Keskinen, OivaFINLW441221953.66
1114Gaspar, JanCZERW430151550.00
1222Polak, VojtechCZERW420101050.00
1314Ohlsson, AntonSWECE452252748.08
1410Bares, AdamCZERW436171947.22
1526Elias, MoritzGERCE453252847.17
1624Graf, AlainSUICE441192246.34
1716Niewollik, MarcoGERLW425111444.00
1812Soukup, MarekCZECE463273642.86
1914Kechter, RomanGERCE447192840.43
2017Assavolyuk, DanielGERRW445162935.56
2121Pont, CyrilSUICE437132435.14
2217Pribyl, MatejCZECE456193733.93
Sorted by higher Face Off %, Face Offs Won and lower Games Played (Only players with an average of four or more face offs per game)
- Czechia
- Finland
- Germany
- Sweden
- Switzerland

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