
U18 5-Nations

Faceoff Leaders

Last update: 2019-11-10 17:13
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP FO W L FO%
19Bordeleau, ThomasUSARW466452168.18
219Slaggert, LandonUSALW456352162.50
39Fahrni, JoshuaSUILW459362361.02
414Canonica, LorenzoSUIRW468402858.82
514Ljungman, DanielSWECE447272057.45
619Stenman, EliasSWECE448272156.25
720Mäenpää, JuusoFINRW443241955.81
815Garfve, IsakSWECE430161453.33
97Yoder, ChaseUSACE455292652.73
1021Karpa, ZakaryUSARW41910952.63
1125Allenspach, DarioSUILW448252352.08
1212Ekmark, ElliotSWECE449252451.02
139Helenius, SamuelFINLW454272750.00
1429Korkalainen, VeetiFINRW4168850.00
1514Vrhel, StanislavCZECE449222744.90
1626Von Allmen, RemySUICE41771041.18
1713Kantola, EerikFINLW449202940.82
1818Urban, TomasCZELW436142238.89
199Konecny, JakubCZERW475274836.00
207Handl, TobiasCZELW439132633.33
2117Lindemann, KevinSUILW3124833.33
2224Uusikartano, RikuFINLW445133228.89
Sorted by higher Face Off %, Face Offs Won and lower Games Played (Only players with an average of four or more face offs per game)
- Czech Republic
- Finland
- Sweden
- Switzerland

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