
Kvalserie B till HockeyTrean, Region Öst

Shorthanded Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2018-03-25 20:50
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
19Holmén, RasmusIK RW4123
26Bengtsson, VictorIK CE6202
24Åslund, AntonKISRW6202
414Alerydh, MaxIK LD6101
21Nilsson, PontusIK CE6101
11Stenberg, KristofferBOOLW6101
711Karlsson, AntonKISLW4011
827Olsson, ThomasIK RW6011
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Total Points, Shorthanded Goals
and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Goal Scoring Leaders 

Last update: 2018-03-25 20:50
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
16Bengtsson, VictorIK CE6202
24Åslund, AntonKISRW6202
39Holmén, RasmusIK RW4123
414Alerydh, MaxIK LD6101
21Nilsson, PontusIK CE6101
11Stenberg, KristofferBOOLW6101
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Goals and lower Games Played.

Shorthanded Assist Leaders 

Last update: 2018-03-25 20:50
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP SHG SHA SHTP
19Holmén, RasmusIK RW4123
211Karlsson, AntonKISLW4011
327Olsson, ThomasIK RW6011
Sorted by higher Shorthanded Assists and lower Games Played.
- Boo HC
- IK Waxholm
- Kista HC
- Skarpnäcks AIK

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