
Play Off inför direktkval till SHL

Puck Possession
Last update: 2017-03-20 23:45
Total Puck Possession By Team
Total Offensive Zone Defensive Zone Neutral Zone Poss. Efficiency Icings
Rk Team GP Possession By Time % OZ% Time % Time % Time % GF Avg. GFPT Avg. IC ICA
 By Team110:3153.3928.1958:2152.8033:3330.3618:3716.850.0600:39155.00
 By Opponents96:2846.6121.8545:1346.8734:2735.7116:4817.420.0800:09165.33
 By Team96:2846.6121.8545:1346.8734:2735.7116:4817.420.0800:09165.33
 By Opponents110:3153.3928.1958:2152.8033:3330.3618:3716.850.0600:39155.00
Sorted by higher Total Possession % by Team and higher Games Played.

Offensive Puck Possession By Team
Total Offensive Zone Defensive Zone Neutral Zone Poss. Efficiency Icings
Rk Team GP Possession By Time % OZ% Time % Time % Time % GF Avg. GFPT Avg. IC ICA
 By Team110:3153.3928.1958:2152.8033:3330.3618:3716.850.0600:39155.00
 By Opponents96:2846.6121.8545:1346.8734:2735.7116:4817.420.0800:09165.33
 By Team96:2846.6121.8545:1346.8734:2735.7116:4817.420.0800:09165.33
 By Opponents110:3153.3928.1958:2152.8033:3330.3618:3716.850.0600:39155.00
Sorted by higher Total Offensive Zone Possession % and higher Games Played.
- BIK Karlskoga

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