
Alltvåan Östra

Leading Goalies (Juniors) by Goal Against Average

Leading Goalies (Juniors) by Goal Against Average

Last update: 2018-02-28 18:32
Rk No NameTeam GP GPI MIP SOG GA GAA SVS SVS% SO W L W% Birthdate
130Schlyter, FilipGTIK104219:42135113.0012491.8502166,671999-11-20
233Lindström, GustavVIG205261:18152184.1313488.1602340,001998-07-09
325Åhlberg, FelixSK 3146:351945.151578.950010,002001-05-05
430Eliasson, Carl PhilipSK 55253:25180296.8715183.890040,002001-03-19
530Lagerstedt, JacobSK 126165:41115259.059078.2601233,331999-12-26
Sorted by lower Goal Against Average per 60 minutes and higher Saves%
Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies
- Eskilstuna Linden Hockey
- Göta Traneberg IK
- IFK Tumba IK
- Rimbo IF
- Segeltorps IF
- SK Iron Hockey
- Trångsunds IF
- Viggbyholms IK

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