
HockeyTvåan A Västra

Leading Goalies (Juniors) by Goal Against Average

Leading Goalies (Juniors) by Goal Against Average

Last update: 2016-02-12 21:35
Rk No NameTeam GP GPI MIP SOG GA GAA SVS SVS% SO W L W% Birthdate
191Morelius, JohnOPP1160:004533.004293.330010,001997-05-25
220Lid, SimonMAL2416928:44499543.4944589.1806940,001997-02-27
398Aamot, JonathanS/L43123:156883.896088.240010,001996-03-02
430Söderström, OliverFAL2126:36924.51777.78000N/A1998-02-19
Sorted by lower Goal Against Average per 60 minutes and higher Saves%
Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies
- Falu IF
- Hofors HC
- Malungs IF
- Oppala IK
- Sandvikens IK
- Söderhamn/Ljusne HC
- Valbo HC

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