
U17 National Team Men (aug)

Faceoff Leaders

Last update: 2021-08-28 21:01
Rk No NameTeam Pos GP FO W L FO%
123Stenberg, OttoSWERW347291861.70
212Dower Nilsson, NoahSWELW343261760.47
327Johansson, WilleSWECE336201655.56
413Alasiurua, ArttuFINRW325131252.00
518Kumpulainen, RasmusFINCE344192543.18
622Ivansson, EliasSWECE326111542.31
727Ruohomaa, OnniFINRW336152141.67
829Rautiainen, BenjaminFINCE32071335.00
928Nyppeli, JuhoFINLW32061430.00
Sorted by higher Face Off %, Face Offs Won and lower Games Played (Only players with an average of four or more face offs per game)
- Finland
- Sweden

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