Clubs in Uppland
Clubs in Uppland

J18 Division 1 Östra A

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Last update: 2024-12-15 17:32
Rk No NameTeam GPI 5-5 5-4 5-3 4-4 4-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-5 EQG% PPG% SHG% PS GWS GA GAA
125Noelle, IsacIRO5101010000373,336,6720,0000152.98
230Avotnieks-Ligeris, RudolfNOR4140000001473,680,0026,3200194.77
330Widén, FelixVÄS520010000175,000,0025,000040.80
430Karlsson, JonathanJHC680030000278,570,0014,2912142.29
575Lindén, NilsIRO6162030000379,178,3312,5000244.01
61Omurcali, SimonVÄS790000001181,820,0018,1800111.55
71Molnar, BenceIFKÖ77040300011182,024,4913,48008913.35
81Gustafsson, ViggoNOR6160020000385,710,0014,2900213.43

1Borger Dåderman, OlleIRO10000000000000.00
35Larsson, AleksJHC10000000000000.00
30Karpelin, MartinNOR252000000162,5025,0012,500084.02
1Ten Siethoff, LiamJHC120000000166,670,0033,330033.00
1Södlind, MalteJHC460000000185,710,0014,290071.77
99Gilljam, CarlIFKÖ5403020000485,716,128,16004910.29
99Nilsson, FrodeIFKÖ2100000000190,910,009,09001119.28
Sorted by lower Equal strength Goals%, Goal Against per 60 minutes
Only goalies who particated more than 40% of their teams total game time will be included in the ranking. Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies.
- IFK Österåker Hockey
- Järfälla HC
- Norrtälje IK
- SK Iron Hockey
- Väsby IK HK

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