Clubs in Södermanland
Clubs in Södermanland

Alltrean Östra

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Leading Goalies by Game Situation

Last update: 2025-02-16 13:55
Rk No NameTeam GPI 5-5 5-4 5-3 4-4 4-3 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-5 EQG% PPG% SHG% PS GWS GA GAA
135Mutze-Hvitman, RichardBÅL122510100031163,410,0036,5901413.40
230Linder, EliasNYN7223010000769,706,0624,2400335.21
31Näslund, SebastianÄLT6231000000676,673,3320,0000305.02
441Ehrlich, LucasNYN8150020001477,270,0022,7300222.91
599Siirala, RichardMÄH770000000277,780,0022,220091.42
630Ringström, WilliamÄLT7220000000678,570,0021,4300284.10
730Hansson, AndreasSUD7141010000283,335,5611,1100182.74
81Olsson, TimGNE7290010000683,330,0016,6700365.75
972Hobohm, AlbertSOL10341020000683,722,3313,9500434.72
1041Sahlman, SamiIFKM10272020000287,886,066,0600333.40

31Lawaetz, CharlieMÄH310000001133,330,0066,670031.00
99Kristofferson, MiloSUD241020000454,559,0936,3600115.43
60Tördal, OskarMÄH591010000562,500,0037,5000163.41
35Storckovius, RasmusÄLT141000000166,6716,6716,670066.00
88Holmström, ChristofferIFKM120000000166,670,0033,3300310.63
40Sjöberg, AndreasGNE4161010000670,834,1725,0000246.56
1Gustafsschöld, EmilSOL6161000000572,734,5522,7301224.42
1Van Den Bosch, ChristianSUD491000000275,008,3316,6700123.04
99Theorén, VilleGNE4111010000375,006,2518,7500163.97
91Aaltovirta, HenriIFKM4111010000375,000,0025,0000163.97
30Hildeby, LinusBÅL260000000275,000,0025,000084.00
35Fredin, AndreasSUD260000000185,710,0014,290075.25
12Roos, MorganÄLT1100000000100,000,000,000017.21
Sorted by lower Equal strength Goals%, Goal Against per 60 minutes
Only goalies who particated more than 40% of their teams total game time will be included in the ranking. Please note that Game Winning Shots are excluded in Leading Goalies.
- Bålsta HC
- Gnesta IK
- IFK Mariehamn
- Mälarö Hockeyförening
- Nynäshamns IF HC
- Solna SK
- Sudrets HC
- Älta IF

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