Kalix HC - Bodens HF

2024-03-10 16:00

Slutspel Hockeyettan

PART Arena

Shots28 (11:10:7)
0 - 2
(0-1, 0-1, 0-0)
Final Score
Spectators: 1152
Shots22 (8:11:3)
 0,00%  9,09%
Saves20 (7:10:3) Saves28 (11:10:7)
 90,91%  100,00%
PIM16 (8:6:2)
PIM12 (4:6:2)
PP0,00% (06:00) PP 0,00% (10:00)


Last update: 2024-03-10 18:37:51

Goalkeeper Summary

KAL35. Hjalmarsson, Anton90,91% (20/22)
BOD35. Haas, Hugo100,00% (28/28)

3rd period

60:00GK OutBOD35. Haas, Hugo
57:08GK OutKAL35. Hjalmarsson, Anton
45:422 minBOD76. Wahlgren, JoelInterference
(45:42 - 47:42)
42:312 minKAL4. Kohlström, OscarDelay of game
(42:31 - 44:31)

2nd period

39:592 minBOD20. Thomasson, NilsUnsportsmanlike Conduct
(39:59 - 41:59)
39:592 minBOD20. Thomasson, NilsRoughing
(39:59 - 41:59)
39:592 minKAL15. Pryce, NicholasRoughing
(39:59 - 41:59)
38:082 minBOD80. Hannu, ErikRoughing
(38:08 - 40:08)
38:082 minKAL8. Lundberg, LiamRoughing
(38:08 - 40:08)
30:442 minKAL29. Björck, WilliamHigh Sticking
(30:44 - 32:44)
25:370-2 (EQ)BOD62. Wallin, Alexander (1)
28. Åström, Wille
41. Nilsson, Fabian
Pos. Part.: 6 , 28 , 35 , 41 , 62 , 97
Neg. Part.: 6 , 11 , 15 , 24 , 26 , 35

1st period

17:422 minBOD20. Thomasson, NilsTripping
(17:42 - 19:42)
08:172 minKAL35. Hjalmarsson, AntonTripping
(08:17 - 10:17)
07:390-1 (EQ)BOD76. Wahlgren, Joel (2)
80. Hannu, Erik
63. Nyman, Christian
Pos. Part.: 6 , 21 , 35 , 63 , 76 , 80
Neg. Part.: 6 , 12 , 19 , 25 , 26 , 35
06:232 minBOD41. Nilsson, FabianTripping
(06:23 - 08:23)
06:232 minKAL15. Pryce, NicholasSlashing
(06:23 - 08:23)
03:422 minKAL4. Kohlström, OscarDelay of game
(03:42 - 05:42)
01:102 minKAL4. Kohlström, OscarHooking
(01:10 - 03:10)
00:00GK InBOD35. Haas, Hugo
00:00GK InKAL35. Hjalmarsson, Anton
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