29937HomeMODO HockeyMODORed429936GuestHV 71HV71White291132Fjällräven CenterÖRNSKÖLDSVIKSWE1GK In2GK Out3Goal4Penalty5Shot6Faceoff7Timeout8Period Summary9GWS10MissedPS11Game BreakMODO Hockey - HV 71 (Preview)

MODO Hockey - HV 71



Fjällräven Center

Team Comparison

Head To Head
2 - 2 - 1
2015-01-24HV 71-MODO Hockey 1 - 0 (0-0, 0-0, 0-0, 1-0)
2014-11-27MODO Hockey-HV 71 2 - 3 (1-0, 1-2, 0-0, 0-0, 0-1)
2014-11-01HV 71-MODO Hockey 3 - 4 (0-0, 3-1, 0-3)
2014-09-20MODO Hockey-HV 71 4 - 1 (2-0, 1-1, 1-0)
2014-03-08HV 71-MODO Hockey 5 - 3 (1-1, 2-2, 2-0)
Top 3 Scorers
Per-Åge Skröder14+11 = 25
Gustav Possler9+11 = 20
William Nylander Altelius8+12 = 20
Erik Christensen12+27 = 39
Ted Brithén15+15 = 30
Calle Ridderwall17+9 = 26
MODO Hockey has a total record of 11-13-26 (rk #12), and 1-1-3 in last 5 games.
MODO Hockey has a record of 1-0-2 in last 3 games, and 1-1-1 in last 3 games at Fjällräven Center
HV 71 has a total record of 21-11-18 (rk #6), and 2-0-3 in last 5 games.
HV 71 has a record of 2-0-1 in last 3 games, and 1-0-2 in last 3 games as the visiting team
Special Teams
MODO Hockey scored 1/11 powerplays in last 3 games, and 1/11 in last 3 games at Fjällräven Center.
HV 71 scored 3/8 powerplays in last 3 games, and 3/8 in last 3 games as the visiting team.
First Goal
MODO Hockey has a winning record of 33,33% when scoring the first goal at Fjällräven Center.
HV 71 has a winning record of 28,57% when scoring the first goal as the visiting team.
© Svenska Ishockeyförbundet 2015